Welcome Fellow Twitter User

There’s a pretty good chance you’ve ended up here because of the link on my Twitter account. If this is the case then it’s likely you’re also a WordPress user, since that’s what I tweet about the most.

My name is Ben and by day I am the Director of Web Development at Miniclip.com (the world largest online games site). By night I am a WordPress and Web Ninja.

What I do

I am known online for a few different projects but my best known are:

  • TimThumb – Image resize script. After the initial development by Tim McDaniels I took over and now manage the creation and updates of the script.
  • Mimbo Pro – WordPress Magazine Theme. I partnered with Darren Hoyt to create one of the most popular WordPress magazine themes around. In the process we also set up Pro Theme Design selling premium WordPress themes.
  • Regulus – WordPress Theme. Regulus was the first theme to include a theme control panel and was quickly picked up by WordPress.com to become one of the most used themes on the network
  • WPVote.com – WordPress voting website. A voting site inspired by Digg that has now turned into a premium WordPress theme called Nominate


On Twitter I like to tweet about two types of things. Mostly I talk about cool things I find online, often this is WordPress related, but I also mention videos, video games and other things I find entertaining. Secondly I tweet about things I am doing personally, generally this is posting new blog posts, or announcing new product releases, and very occasionally things I might actually be doing (I announced my engagement on Twitter :)).

My Writing

I like to write about the things I have learnt whilst using WordPress and you can find all sorts of articles about WordPress on this blog – my online home. Below are some links to some of my most popular development articles.