Hello world!



Wow – how long has it been since I updated my website? I have been very busy with other things, have got a job at Miniclip, done a lot of freelance work, and generally been very busy.

For those that care the site was built using web standards techniques (XHTML & CSS) although I’m not a standards zealot. I haven’t bothered checking the site validates and doubt I will (at least not until everything is working as I want). The site is runnings on the very cool WordPress blogging system which I would recommend to anyone.

Binary Moon has now been turned into a blog so that things can, hopefully, be updated more frequently. I don’t know how often, or even if, I will post but if I don’t then at least I have a better way to update things. The site will be changing slowly over the coming months as I tweak the design to be exactly as I wish. I’m going to be porting across most of the old content over the next few days so things should update fairly rapidly.

I intend to post about web design, and game development since they are the two things I do most - especially now I work at Miniclip. I will be slowly porting the old site over to the new format, although having a blog changes things around. If you want to play the games that used to be here then you should stick to Binary Sun where you can get a number of games that I sell (free versions are plentiful).

I suspect the first few posts on the site will be about how the site was built. I like reading about how others work so assume there may be someone out there who likes the same sort of thing.

How was it for you? Let me know on BlueSky or Mastodon

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