Analyze This
One for the ‘Not what I expected’ pile. I know it was loved when released but for me it underperformed. Didn’t help that I was ill when I was watching it, which meant that I couldn’t concentrate properly.
William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet
I enjoy Baz Lurmans Moulin Rouge and thought the idea of Romeo and Juliet using the original script in a modern setting would be great. The leads were pretty good but I had forgotten how much work Shakespeare’s language is to understand (like many in the UK I studied Romeo and Juliet at school). Anyway, despite knowing how it ends, the film was fairly enjoyable. Certainly worth a look if you fancy something a little different.
The Interpreter
Pretty mediocre movie – seen many films like it before. I thought Nicole Kidmans accent was pretty good, but I’m not South African so I could be mistaken.
Chronicles of Narnia – the Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe
I seem to have been rather negative this month and this is another for the lacklustre pile. The film wasn’t bad, and there were some great moments but it wasn’t quite what I had imagined. I guess it doesn’t help that, when I was younger, I was a huge fan of the books having read the entire series (more than once). One thing that did stand out for me as just not feeling right was Liam Neeson. I think he’s a great actor, but he doesn’t have the weight/ gravity to portray someone like Aslan (the Jesus figure), excellent as a tutor, but not as a God (or son of one).
Bourne Identity
Seen this loads of times but since this was a quiet month I thought I’d mention it anyway. Have read the books (which are great by the way) and will quite happily watch this film repeatedly. An intelligent spy film, unlike the Bond movies. I love this stuff!
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