Movie Roundup – June 06




A rather nice little story about a lady who makes everyone happy, apart from herself, with the healing power of chocolate. I was pleasantly surprised by this film and would recommend it to anyone who wants something nice and peaceful to watch on a Sunday afternoon – naturally chocolate must be involved (my favourite is white chocolate)

Tristan and Isolde

I had read a little about the story of Tristan and Isolde in another book recently and it sounded intriguing. Adapted from an opera composed by Richard Wagner in 1856-9, Tristan and Isolde is the tale of two star crossed lovers. Unfortunately it was basically Romeo and Juliet (admittedly it came before but is, at least in my mind, less well known), hence something I was not very interested in.

The Big White

Robin Williams. He seems to be doing lots of strange movies at the moment. For the last few years Robin has been doing all sorts of movies that play against type – he’s known as a comedian and is clearly good at daft voices and exaggerated actions but films like this show he can actually act as well. The Big White was quite enjoyable and had a rather Fargo-ish feel to it, largely because of the amount of snow and the funny accents. Oh – and Giovanni Ribisi is in it – I like him.

The Pink Panther

Not a patch on the original. Not recommended – it’s a shame really cos Jean Reno is generally quite cool.

Heroic Duo

Found it cheap in a movie store, wasn’t bad but it wasn’t particularly good either. Fairly generic formulaic action movie. There were some quite nice elements but not enough for me to get into it properly.

Was it good/ useful/ a load of old rubbish? Let me know on Mastodon, or BlueSky (or Twitter X if you must).

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