Spiderman 3 Review

I love the Spiderman movies. I’ve seen all three at the cinema, and own the first two on DVD – I am officially a fan. So, last weekend, I went with my girlfriend to watch the latest in the series and thought it was very cool indeed.

There are spoilers ahead so keep away if you’re worried about that sort of thing.

Spiderman 3 Poster

Spiderman 3 Poster

Spiderman 3 follows on where the second left off, with Harry Osbourne upset at Peter Parker for killing his father, Mary Jane going out with Peter, and Peter saving the day as Spidey. Things in the film happen at a crazy pace. Uncle Ben’s “real” murdered has been found and he has just escaped from prison, and some black gunk has fallen from the sky and seems to be hunting down Peter.

There is absolutely loads going on, I wonder if it’s too much, but it’s pretty easy to follow things so this isn’t a big deal.

The film seems to be a little less about the people this time around with more of a focus on the action, and boy is there a lot of action. It’s also a much darker movie, with Peter going all emo on us. Not a good look for him – he actually reminds me of Peter Petrelli.

The bad guys in the film, all three of them, were a bit of a mix. Sandman was quite a cool character and rather a victim of a series of unfortunate events. His daughter is ill and he was doing what he believed needed to be done – needless to say things go wrong for him.

Venom was only around towards the end of the movie. He seemed like he could have been quite interesting but was defeated quicker than I expected. I was under the impression he would appear at the end and continue into the next film. His motivation also seemed rather weak, he lost his job so wanted to kill Peter?

Harry’s evolution was interesting but his “redemption” seemed a bit forced – two films to learn hate, and 5 minutes to undo it?

Despite all these flaws (and really they’re relatively minor) I really enjoyed the film. It was a huge piece of popcorn cinema. Exactly what I wanted!

Unfortunately Jo, my girlfriend, was less keen. She watched, and enjoyed, the first two in the series so we both thought she would be fine with this one, but it wasn’t to be. The film is a lot more violent than previous outings, and the darker Peter didn’t sit so well with her. I’m not sure I’ll be able to convince her to go and see the next instalment (I seem to remember hearing there are two more planned… not sure if that’s still the case?), but I hope to go and see them myself.

Venom Wallpaper

Venom Wallpaper

Spiderman Logo Wallpaper

Spiderman Logo Wallpaper

Spiderman and Venom Wallpaper

Spiderman and Venom Wallpaper

Dark Spiderman Wallpaper

Dark Spiderman Wallpaper

Dark Spiderman in the Rain Wallpaper

Dark Spiderman in the Rain Wallpaper

How was it for you? Let me know on BlueSky or Mastodon

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