Recently I have been thinking about Binary Moon and why it has plateaued and wondering if I can help it grow anymore. I like to think the site has some interesting content, and that it’s not inoffensive to look at, so why is my traffic starting to drop?
1. Lack of focus
I have never had any sort of focus on Binary Moon. I jump around quite regularly between video games and web design with the occasional movie based post, and I also like to post quick links to things that interest me. I even have a Harry Potter section that has become more popular than I had ever dreamed. However I wonder if this lack of focus turns people off, not everyone is interested in Video Games AND Web Design AND Films AND Harry Potter, so maybe they go elsewhere for their blogging fix?
2. Irregular posting schedule
I post when I want. Working full time I just don’t have the opportunity to do a proper post every day, and to tell the truth I don’t want to. But does this make people like me (or my site) any less? Do you, my reader(s), want me to post more often/ regularly?
3. No social aspects
By my nature I am not a hugely social person and Binary Moon tends to share this aspect of my personality. I tend to steer away from social blogging elements such as the ever popular sharing tools (Digg, Reddit, StumbleUpon etc), the website widgets (mybloglog springs to mind), and I don’t have a blogroll… although I do try to respond to comments, but then even that doesn’t always happen. I don’t know if these things are needed but I guess if I want to create more conversation then maybe a bigger community aspect would be worth considering.
If this was a report card it would be marked “could do better”, but really… do I care?
There seems to be a massive increase in blogs that talk about “how to blog better” and “how to get more readers”, but frankly Binary Moon was made as MY place on the web. It’s somewhere for ME to start conversations about the things that I am interested in, in the hope that others will want to continue the conversation. I write on Binary Moon because I enjoy it so do I really suck as a blogger? I think not.
I am currently thinking about the next iteration of Binary Moon and have some big plans for the site, however in the end it comes down to me wanting to make a website for myself. The traffic doesn’t matter (although it does feel good), this is not my job and I’m enjoying myself – so as far as I’m concerned I don’t suck at all.
Now I’ve written this I’m intrigued. Why do you, the person reading this, come to my website? What are you most interested in? Is there anything I could do to make you stick around a bit longer, and to convince you to tell your friends about my site?
How was it for you? Let me know on BlueSky or Mastodon
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