Damien Rice at the Brighton Dome

This weekend just gone I went to see Damien Rice at the Brighton Dome. The trip was actually a birthday present from my girlfriend and, my birthday being in April, meant I had plenty of time to look forward to it.

My musical tastes are very varied. I tend towards rock music but like anything powerful, I’m also a closet fan of stage shows and musicals. I love theatrical style music, so Damien Rice was a perfect fit. The fact I have 3 of his albums helps (O, 9, and B Sides). Jo likes him too.

Damien Rice

Jo had booked us seats slap bang in the middle so we to a wonderful view (which you can’t really tell from the photo… but the colours fit the site nicely 🙂 ). The stalls downstairs were unreserved and most people had to stand so I’m really glad we got the seats we did. It all started off a little funny, there was about 10 minutes of a single deafening note before Damien came on stage but it was worth the wait. I love his albums but he is so much better live.

I must admit, despite having 3 of his albums, I didn’t actually have any idea of what he looked like, or any sort of information about him. Damien did quite a lot of singing (that’s what we were there for afterall), but he also stopped occasionally to tell short stories about his songs. They were quite amusing and helped make the event even more memorable.

I was a fan of Damien Rice before, and I’m an even bigger one now. The show was fantastic and I hope to go and see him again some time in the future.

Jo and I have already booked tickets for our next live gig – we’re going to see Athlete in a month or so – if they’re even half as good as Damien Rice I’ll be very happy indeed.

How was it for you? Let me know on BlueSky or Mastodon

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