Tales of Beadle the Bard sold

This news is actually a little old but since we’ve just had the Christmas holiday I figure I can give myself a bit of slack. That and it’s my blog so I’ll post whatever I like whenever I like 🙂

The tales of Beedle the Bard is a book given to Hermione in the 7th and final Harry Potter book. They are a group of short stories, including the one that explains the Deathly Hallows. In the wizarding world they are very well known, generally passed off as childrens stories – however they hold an element of truth, having messages and meanings that can be used to improve yourself and possibly even defeat evil (indirectly).

Beedle the Bard

In the real world… The Tales of Beedle the Bard is a series of 7 books, hand written and illustrated by JK Rowling. Each book is leather bound and embellished with different precious stones. 6 of the books were made as gifts for people closely involved with the series – the 7th, the Moonstone edition – created because 7 is a magically powerful number, was auctioned by London auction house Sotherbys a couple of weeks ago – with the proceeds going to The Children’s Voice - a childrens charity co-founded by JK Rowling herself.

Last week it was announced that the auction winners were Amazon.com – buying the book for £1.95 million (around $4 million) – and they have published a bunch of photos of the book, along with reviews of the individual stories.

The photos of the book show are wonderful. The bindings look as you’d imagine for such an “old” wizarding book and the writing and drawings are beautiful. It’s a bit of a shame that it was done in blue ink since I feel black (written with a quill?) would have looked nicer – but I’m sure the lucky owners won’t be complaining too much.

Amazon have published a bunch of photos and some mini reviews (with lots of spoilers) on their website. I really hope the stories get published one day – obviously not as is, but typed up and sold as a charity book I think they’d sell bucket loads.

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