37Signals have recently posted a couple of articles on improving the workplace experience and they’re doing things I can only dream of. The posts in questions are workplace experiments, and fire the workaholics.
Workplace experiments
Some of their ideas are great. I love the idea of a 4 day work week (and I’m not the only one). The fact they have studied it and found that the shortened work time results in the same amount of work being completed is particularly interesting.
I must admit I think they’re a bit crazy giving each of their staff an unlimited credit card, but in a tight knit company I an see how that would work. Miniclip doesn’t do things to quit such an extreme but if you need anything work related (books, software, hardware etc) then they are happy to buy it, so I guess it’s not too different.
Fire the workaholics
I find this interesting too. Essentially it’s the idea that working a lot burns people out, and those who are less tired, are more productive. This is something else I agree wholeheartedly with. I have recently had quite a few late nights because of Pro Theme Design, but I am now taking some time off of evening working to recharge my batteries. I want to work to the best of my ability and working non stop is not the way to do that.
Work environment
At Miniclip we have an XBox 360 and a Wii, a pool table, and a constantly stocked beer fridge (containing beer and soft drinks… no drinking during work hours 🙂 ), along with fresh fruit and pilates/ yoga sessions, all introduced to improve the working environment and productivity.
It’s all got me thinking. Does anyone else have ideas for things to improve the work place? Does your company do anything like this?
How was it for you? Let me know on BlueSky or Mastodon
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