Unfortunately I have been dragged down into the world of Twitter. Twitter is a web app that enables people to talk rubbish at no-one in particular and then receive a response from someone they don’t know. I’ve never seen the point of it before. I don’t care that you’ve just eaten a croissant, or that you’re about to go to bed, but now that I’ve been using it for a few days I am slowly coming to understand the appeal.
For me, at least, Twitter isn’t so much about the mundanities of life as the networking. Using Twitter I can keep up to date with, and help out, the online people I admire. If someone is having problems with something and I know the answer, then I can help them. Then, in the future, maybe that person will remember me and return the favour.
The Twitter website itself is ugly and not nice to use, however there are a number of applications out there that make the process not dissimilar to using an Instant Messaging client. I have chosen Snitter, but there are a fair few others out there including the recently acquired Twhirl.
If anyone else out there uses Twitter, you are more than welcome to follow me… and in return I’ll check you out.
How was it for you? Let me know on BlueSky or Mastodon
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