Last week I got tagged by Gnorb. I was going to write something clever about how I normally turn these things down because everyone does it and they’re so passé… but to be honest I’m flattered to even be considered, and I haven’t seen a meme in months – so here goes.
I have to tell you seven random peices of information (that you may not know) about myself.
- Despite all the violent video games I play and martial arts films I watch… I’m a pacifist.
- I read books. A lot of them. I love epic fantasy (Robin Hobb, George RR Martin etc) and get through 2 or 3 books a month
- Before becoming a web designer I studied 3d art at university with a view to becoming a video game artist… but nobody wanted me 🙁
- I am an Atheist
- I am a big kid. I’m approaching adulthood (getting close to 30) but still annoy my girlfriend by playing video games at inappropriate times and generally being a bit daft
- I hate going to night clubs and other similar “social” events. To me there is nothing worse than standing in a dark room with lots of sweaty drunk people whilst being deafened by crap music.
- I refuse to wear a suit to work. One summer when I was at university I got a job as a temp doing filing and data entry. I hated it and quit after a week. I haven’t worn a suit to work since.
Apparently I am meant to pass this meme on to 7 others but I have no idea who to ask… hopefully one or two of these kind folks will step up for the challenge.
- Luke from Red Root
- Jake from Grey Alien Games – Jake also writes on Binary Joy occasionally
- Darren Hoyt – fellow WordPress theme developer
- Adii – another WordPress theme developer
- Adnan from Blogtrepreneur
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