Back and Forward: Plans for 2010

Of my ‘goals’ in 2009 I only officially finished half. This year I plan to do better.

I mentioned that I wanted to release 4 themes, of which I actually released 2 Mimbo Pro 2 and theme framework. Of the others, Regulus Pro is on hold and the Prologue style theme is banished into obscurity – however some of the code will be showing up on WPVote.

This year I plan to:

  • Get married
  • Blog more – particularly WordPress hints, tips, and tutorials.
  • (Social) Network more
  • Release WPVote (due on February 1st 2010)
  • Release at least 3 new premium themes
  • Release at least 3 new free themes
  • Launch at least 1 new site that I will run with my fiancée, Jo

Combine all these with my day job at and I’m going to be very busy, but since I enjoy what I do that can only be a good thing!

Here’s to a prosperous new year.

Was it good/ useful/ a load of old rubbish? Let me know on Mastodon, or BlueSky (or Twitter X if you must).

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