Building Elemental 2: Getting Started

As I mentioned in February I had a conundrum – I wasn’t sure how to make changes to my theme Elemental without breaking peoples sites. Thankfully the people who read my site are super clever and suggested I create a version 2 and so, over the last month or so, that’s exactly what I have started doing.

I am currently in the process of ripping Elemental apart – and near enough rewriting it from scratch – and I thought I would write a bit about the process and the ideas behind what I am doing and why.


Web design and development has come a long way since I started building Elemental – and in a similar vein my own skills and knowledge have improved as well – and as such there are a host of things I want to do with the theme that I couldn’t do before. Since I now have this opportunity to rewrite everything I am going to take the time to do things properly.

The main things I plan to do are:

  • Simplify
  • Make better use of built in WordPress functionality
  • Use modern web technologies (HTML5, CSS3 etc)
  • Use WordPress programming standards
  • Optimise
  • Build in support for popular WordPress plugins

Over the next couple of months I will be writing about Elemental 2 and the design and development process. This is so that I can get feedback on what I am doing from the wider WordPress community.

Was it good/ useful/ a load of old rubbish? Let me know on Mastodon, or BlueSky (or Twitter X if you must).

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