Perfection is overrated… right?

If you’re reading this in a web browser (and you’ve visited the site before) then you’ll know that I have recently updated the design here on Binary Moon.

I’ve been sitting on this design for about 7 or 8 months. I started towards the end of last year and have been tweaking it since. The problem I had is that it wasn’t perfect – and I like things to be just right.

This weekend however, I decided enough was enough – and published the new layout.

The new theme has a much simpler design, and runs on the beta version of Elemental 2 (my WordPress theme framework – I am currently rewriting it).

Some of the features of the new site include:

  • Responsive design (try resizing the browser :))
  • New wider size (1140 max width)
  • new javascript widget library – one I have written myself
  • social voting buttons
  • More articles on archive pages and the homepage
  • CSS3

Every new featured I added introduced new things to design – the responsive design in particular caused a lot of problems because I then had to test everything in 4 different sizes.

What’s missing?

Well, I know about a few bits but I am sure there’s loads I have missed. I tried to make all of the design work in the responsive sizes but I haven’t tested all the content. The text will be fine but it’s likely there’s images and videos that won’t work properly – I am going to look at using some css rules and some javascript to make them work.

I also know that the image attachment pages look a bit funky, and that there’s weirdness going on with some of the custom page templates, there’s an image missing in the footer, there’s a ‘keep updated’ section in the footer that has some text in it, but doesn’t actually do anything.

I’m sure there’s other bits I can’t think of right now as well!


So why did I release the site if it wasn’t ready yet? Well – I wanted to get something ‘out there’. Since the theme is being built on top of Elemental 2 – a theme that is constantly being tweaked and improved – then I will have to keep changing and improving it anyway so it’s likely that I would never release the update.

So – is perfection overrated?

In this case I would say yes. We should always aim for perfection – but sometimes you just have to say enough is enough and ‘get it out the door‘. In fact perfection is so overrated that I haven’t bothered finding a photo for this post. It’s just not needed!

How was it for you? Let me know on BlueSky or Mastodon

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