How I Learn in Public

I build a lot of stuff, and I release most of it publicly. I have 20 WordPress themes on Pro Theme Design, but I’ve been making themes for over 10 years now so I’m quite confident there. Last year I made Brush Ninja, and released my first Mac app. I’m less confident there, but it seems to be working. I also started OneTwoThreeHappy as a way to learn React (the code is on Github). I have a growing library of games I’ve made. And some WordPress plugins too.

I don’t blog as often as I probably should. Despite how it may seem with MasterWP, I don’t find that writing comes naturally. Thankfully I have Alex peering over my shoulder; he tidies up my text when I make errors. I like to think I’m improving.


I also feel like I should reach out to creators more. If I particularly like something then I will ping people on Twitter and say thanks, and I submit issues on Github or via Twitter if I see problems. But, I don’t do it enough. I will have to start doing that more: saying thank you with no ulterior motive.

I’m a strong advocate for making the most of the time we have. Money is important, to a degree, but time is finite. We can’t earn more of that. As such I want to make sure that the things I do are worthwhile, and that means publishing the things I make. If I don’t publish them then what’s the point?

I’m quite shy, and definitely introverted, so have to work hard with social situations. As such I don’t talk at WordCamps/ conferences which would probably be beneficial, but I do go to them and am happy to talk to people (as long as they approach me! I rarely do it the other way).

It’s funny though: I had never considered the reason or theory behind what I was doing or why I was doing it, so it’s nice to see someone suggest that it’s a good thing. And perhaps now I will start doing more of it. I’m certainly going to try. The blogging in particular. One of my goals for this year is to blog more.

How was it for you? Let me know on BlueSky or Mastodon

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