How to get a list of all WordPress Blocks in the Editor

Early on in the development of the new Gutenberg editor I asked how to get a list of all the blocks available in the new editor, then today Keith Devon asked how to do it on Twitter. So I thought I would post the answer here.

To get a list of all the WordPress Blocks currently available in your Post/ Page editor you should open up the browser console and then enter the following:


The output looks something like this:

A screenshot of the Firefox console with a list of (most of) the blocks on this website.

A screenshot of the Firefox console with a list of (most of) the blocks on this website.

This will list all blocks, the core ones, and the ones added by plugins. It’s particularly handy for WordPress plugin developers, but will also be useful when setting properties in theme.json a new feature that is part of the upcoming Full Site Editing functionality of WordPress.

How was it for you? Let me know on BlueSky or Mastodon

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