
Categories:Web DesignWordPressBusinessJekyllRandomMovies

22 May 2024

Enhance Your Website with my Free Embeddable Drawing App

Over on Brush Ninja I’ve been working on a free embeddable drawing app called Paint Ninja. If you’ve ever used Procreate or the classic MS Paint from the ’90s, you’ll feel right at home with this.A Fun Creative ToolBrush Ninja...
21 May 2024

How I Fixed My Website's INP Issue

INP stands for Interaction to Next Paint. It measures the time between a user interaction, like a click, and when something happens on the page, such as rendering or painting. A shorter INP means a faster and more responsive site.Late...
05 Mar 2024

TimThumb Image Resizer and Website Security

My friend Alex Denning recently asked me to write some bits about TimThumb for an article he was putting together.The main purpose of TimThumb was to dynamically resize images on websites, making it easier for web developers to manage their...
22 Feb 2024

Modern Computer Software - as Used by Me

Someone recently pointed out my post on new computer software (from 2007 😳) and going through it I realized how much things have changed in computer software. Previously, I was on Windows, and I’ve now switched to Mac, but that’s...
17 Feb 2024

Creating a Custom HTML Elements: A Colour Picker

I recently needed to create my first custom element - a custom color picker. I wanted to improve the color picker feature on Brush Ninja however I couldn’t find an existing solution that met my needs so I decided to...
03 Jan 2024

Foolproof Flexbox: Fixing Flowing Frustrations

I recently encountered a frustrating issue while using flexbox for a 2 column layout on Brush Ninja. One column could have any width, while the other had a fixed width for a skyscraper advert. However, I faced a problem where...
19 Dec 2023

My Creative Process

In writing about creativity and AI recently, I started reflecting on my own creative process. While I love making things, I’ve always questioned whether or not I’m truly creative. However, I’ve come to realize that my creativity stems from gathering...
10 Dec 2023

The Future of Creativity with Artificial Intelligence

I recently read a tweet claiming that in just a few months, individuals would be able to create Pixar-level movies on their home computers using artificial intelligence (AI). While this idea may sound exciting, the reality is that it’s not...
09 Nov 2023

A Manifesto for Progressive Software Development

I’ve been thinking a lot about how I develop projects and what makes my projects uniquely mine. As of November 2023, I have four sites that I am actively working on: Binary Moon, Brush Ninja, Ninja Puzzles, and WPBriefs. Despite...
28 Oct 2023

Optimizing Code With ChatGPT

As a solo developer, I often find myself seeking ways to optimize my code without the luxury of pair programming. That’s where ChatGPT comes in handy. In this blog post, I’ll share my experience of using ChatGPT to improve the...
24 Oct 2023

Boring Technology is Beautiful

I recently made ElementalCSS, my CSS framework/library, public. I created a website and added it to a Github repository. It was an exciting step for me as a developer, and I was thrilled to see people taking an interest in...
21 Oct 2023

Creating Jekyll Plugins (and modern image formats)

When I first started in web design (in the late 90’s), there was a lot of emphasis on learning about file formats, file naming conventions, and other technical aspects that don’t seem to be talked about these days. It’s easy...
05 Oct 2023

Polishing and releasing my Reef.js game

Last week, I took on the challenge of creating a country flags game for Brush Ninja using Reef.js. It was an interesting project, and I shared my process in the blog post. Today, I am pleased to announce that the...
28 Sep 2023

Using Reef.js to Make a Country Flag Game

When I build things for the web, I prefer using vanilla JavaScript as much as possible. However, for more complex projects, I also like to use Reef.js. The Brush Ninja animated gif maker is built with Reef.js, as are the...
27 Sep 2023

Typing Practice: Introducing Typing Ninja

As a parent, I’m always on the lookout for fun and educational tools to help my 7-year-old son improve his skills. One of his current obsessions is computers, so I decided to create something specifically tailored to his interests -...
20 Sep 2023

Celebrating 100 Episodes of WPBriefs

I was updating WPBriefs the other day and noticed something exciting - the most recent episode happened to be the 100th! It’s amazing to think how far this podcast has come since its humble beginnings. As I write this, we’re...
15 Sep 2023

Building a Control Panel for my Websites

I run a whole stack of websites, and as the number keeps growing, I was finding it harder to manage them all; so I decided to make a central control panel to manage them all efficiently. In this blog post,...
07 Sep 2023

Welcome to the Festinger Vault Community

Today I received an unsolicited email from a website called FestingerVault. They had created a WordPress account on their website using my email address, even though I had never heard of them before.But it didn’t stop there. Shortly after that,...
02 Sep 2023

Keeping Web Dev Simple

As I have gotten older, I have realized that caring less about what people think has brought me a great sense of freedom. In the past, I used to follow all the latest trends in tech, constantly trying to keep...
15 Aug 2023

Getting Back in the Blogging Groove

The other day, I mentioned that I am using AI to help with my blogging. But it’s not what you might think. The AI isn’t writing the posts in their entirety. I still want the content to reflect my own...
