Blog - page 11

Categories:Web DesignWordPressBusinessJekyllRandomMovies

08 Apr 2012

An iPhone Game in One Day?

So – it’s Easter Day – and I have nothing planned. I am going to make a video game!I’ve had an idea for an iPhone game going round and round in my head for a couple of weeks now, and...
02 Apr 2012

Building Elemental 2: Simplifying Through Reduction

One of the key things I wanted to do with Elemental was simplify it – and I mean this from a few different viewpoints. I use Elemental on this very website. Over time I have added new features and functionality...
25 Mar 2012

Building Elemental 2: Getting Started

As I mentioned in February I had a conundrum – I wasn’t sure how to make changes to my theme Elemental without breaking peoples sites. Thankfully the people who read my site are super clever and suggested I create a...
21 Mar 2012

Have you heard of WordPress $content_width?

The WordPress theme check is a great plugin. For those who haven’t seen it it’s a way to check that you theme covers all of the functionality required to be added to the theme directory. I have been using...
15 Mar 2012

TimThumb Configurations

As a TimThumb user, making changes to the settings has always been a bit of a pain. It’s possible, of course, but if you make changes – and then want to update the script – then you have to make...
10 Mar 2012

Mimbo Pro 3: The Classic WordPress Theme Updated

Before Christmas last year Darren asked me if I wanted to work with him to update Mimbo Pro 3. The theme was first released more than 4 years ago – and it’s done fantastically well. As one of the first...
21 Feb 2012

Complete TimThumb Parameters Guide

It was recently pointed out to me that there’s no single place to get a list of all the TimThumb parameters so I thought I would put together a page explaining them, and link to the relevant tutorials/ explanations.TimThumb Parameters...
15 Feb 2012

Customising WordPress Custom Headers in Child Themes

I am currently working on the next version of Mimbo Pro (due for release really really soon), and am updating the child themes to work with the new update.Part of the update is that we (Darren and I) wanted to...
03 Feb 2012

Legend of Zelda: The Lost Oracle

Anyone who knows me knows that I love some Zelda action. So I’m in love with this trailer for a new Zelda game..? The Lost Oracle is what every fan wants and, unfortunately, not something we’re likely to see. The...
02 Feb 2012

WordPress Theme Framework: Less Is More – Or Is It?

I have a conundrum. I want to improve Elemental – my WordPress theme framework. I want to make it lean and fast; but this will involve removing functionality. This in turn means that when people upgrade their themes things may...
03 Nov 2011

Business Lessons from Innocent Drinks

Online there’s loads of blog posts and articles about web development, marketing, copywriting, and graphic design. As a web-designer things like technical knowledge and design skills are very important – but there’s not so much about building a successful team...
12 Oct 2011

Star Wars: Clone Wars, Series 3 DVD Review

Recently I received an invite to go and see a preview of Season 3 of Star Wars: Clone Wars at the Warner Brothers HQ in London.Anyone who knows me, knows I am a long time Star Wars fan, including the...
06 Sep 2011

Paul and The Big Lebowski

I recently got sent some more iTunes movies to review. I like getting free stuff and, as you can tell from the post titles, these were good’uns 🙂Paul Paul Movie Poster Paul is the latest film from Simon Pegg and...
12 Aug 2011

TimThumb 2.0

Ok – so – TimThumb. I am sure many people have seen this already but some code exploits were recently discovered in TimThumb. Now that everything is under control once more I thought I would explain what happened and what...
19 Jul 2011

It’s Kind of a Funny Story – Movie Review

It’s been a while since I have written a movie review here on Binary Moon, I’m hoping I can start doing them more often as I rather enjoy the process. Its Kind of a Funny Story Movie Poster My latest...
09 Jul 2011

Meteora, Exhibitor and Byline – New WordPress Themes

In the last 7 months I have released 3 new WordPress Themes on Pro Theme Design and so I thought I would mention them here. The themes cover a variety of website types/ niches, and so are suitable for a...
01 Jun 2011

A Day in the Life of a Web Designer

I recently had someone email me and ask what a day in my life, or that of a web designer, was like. A slightly unusual request but I thought I would take up the challenge and document an average day.I...
26 May 2011

Choosing What to Add to a Premium Theme

Building WordPress themes for Pro Theme Design I have to tread a fine line, between what people ask for, and what people want.I get loads of feature requests, and generally my approach is to suggest a plugin, or to dig...
17 May 2011

TimThumb Quality Settings

Recently I have had a couple of emails about changing the amount of compression on TimThumb cropped images. The change itself is really easy, however I thought I would write it up as a reference for those who aren’t aware...
01 May 2011

How To Fix WordPress and Mod Security 2

Recently my website was moved to a new web server, and in the process the server software was upgraded, and it broke some parts of my site. It took a bit of digging but in the end I worked out...
19 Apr 2011

Simple WordPress Post Thumbnails with Regular Expressions

These days everyone with a blog understands the importance of thumbnail images. Three years ago it was common place to have exclusively text, but now a nice image is a requirement. As such the process of implementing the image needs...
