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19 Apr 2011

Simple WordPress Post Thumbnails with Regular Expressions

These days everyone with a blog understands the importance of thumbnail images. Three years ago it was common place to have exclusively text, but now a nice image is a requirement. As such the process of implementing the image needs...
11 Apr 2011

Optimizing WordPress 404’s

One of the great things about WordPress is how 404 error pages are handled. If a page isn’t found then you can show a proper dynamic error page giving the user things to do – this removes a lot of...
09 Apr 2011

Game of Thrones: Winter is Coming

I posted briefly about this years ago – and it seems it’s finally happening. And by ‘seems’ I mean ‘is due for release in 10 days!’.George RR Martins Game of Thrones series is probably my favorite book series ever. The...
27 Mar 2011

TimThumb Proportional Scaling

Moving the crop position used to be the most requested TimThumb feature – but then I added it, and so something else had to step up and replace it.The next most requested feature is proportional image scaling. To be honest,...
13 Mar 2011

Binary Moon Traffic Stats: February

This month is a little late very late I’m afraid. I was in San Francisco at the start of March (for the Game Developers Conference) so wasn’t able to write up the statistics as on time as I would have...
14 Feb 2011

Give Your Blog Some Loving This Valentines Day

February 14th is Valentines Day; a day when many of us lavish extra time and attention on our loved ones. We treat them extra special, buy them some flowers, maybe do some cooking – basically we show them just how...
01 Feb 2011

Binary Moon Traffic Stats: The Beginning

I read a few websites that share their traffic statistics and I find the whole process fascinating. The stats themselves don’t really interest me. What does interest me is the analysis that goes with it. Why did this month get...
23 Jan 2011

How to Contribute to TimThumb

The Google Code blog has recently announced a new method for modifying code committed to the site. They have created an online code editor that can be used by anyone.This is fantastic for people who want to contribute to any...
22 Jan 2011

My Plans For 2011

Ok – I know we’re almost a month into 2011, but I wanted to make a record of my plans for the coming year.Last year I did quite well with my plans. The best news was that, at the end...
16 Dec 2010

A New Secret to Increasing Your Page Views

Do you want to increase the page views on your website? Everyone does right? Well this is something I have been spending a lot of time thinking about, and I recently found out something quite surprising.In hindsight I probably shouldn’t...
06 Dec 2010

TimThumb: Improved Speed and Other Changes

Recently, when I haven’t been working on WPAdvent, I have been tweaking and improving TimThumb. In fact there’s been a couple of cool new features added that make it a much more useful peice of kit.The big changes boil down...
25 Nov 2010

WordPress Advent – Seasonal WordPress Savings

In January or February this year I had the idea of making some sort of advent calendar website for christmas. I wanted to share something with the online community – I just wasn’t sure what.In mid October I started thinking...
04 Nov 2010

TimThumb Troubleshooting Secrets

I often get asked questions about TimThumb and why it doesn’t work in certain situations. I can generally tell what is wrong with the script within about 60 seconds of being sent a demo url. Below are my top tips...
19 Oct 2010

Spring Cleaning in Autumn

It’s no longer spring but it’s always worth spending some time tidying up your website. In this article I am going to show an easy way to clean up the dead articles on your site which will increase the overall...
12 Oct 2010

Hub Pages – the Center of your SEO Universe

In my never-ending quest to improve Binary Moon I have investigated hub pages, an easy way to link relevant content.Hub pages are a single page on your site that is targeted to one specific keyword or key phrase. This keyword...
17 Sep 2010

Unexpected Benefits of A/B Testing

I am currently beta testing a new website called Optimizely – a super simple A/B testing product… and it’s gotten me thinking.A/B testing is a process that allows you to optimize your website for your users. You create one or...
06 Sep 2010

Nominate; New WordPress Theme Released

It seems like forever ago now but I have just realised I haven’t yet announced Nominate here on Binary Moon.Anyway, at the start of July, I released a new theme called Nominate. This is the public version of the theme...
30 Aug 2010

Using TimThumb Part 4: Moving the Crop Location

Moving the crop position around is by far the most popular feature that has been requested for TimThumb. And today it has been officially released!To be honest the cropping code was something I had put off as I wanted to...
