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19 Aug 2010

Using TimThumb Part 3: Image Filters

So far I have documented the basic TimThumb functionality, and how to resize images that are on external domains and now things can get interesting. In this part I will talk about some of the features that have been available...
12 Aug 2010

Using TimThumb Part 2: External Websites

Of all the TimThumb feature requests the most popular are being able to crop an image from a specified location, and being able to load images from external websites. Resizing images from external images was added at the start of...
05 Aug 2010

Using TimThumb part 1: Getting Started

TimThumb has always been built with simplicity in mind. However there are a few things it can do that have not been exposed before.Inspired by a comment from RBhavesh I have decided to write a series of posts in which...
03 Aug 2010

The Green Zone

Let’s get this out of the way quickly. Yes this is Matt Damon and Paul Greengrass, but it’s not the Bourne Identity. Not close.One similarity the two films share is the shaky cam stylings. It’s everywhere, even more so than...
29 Jul 2010

Easy WordPress Updates: Store FTP Info in wp-config.php

Saw an interesting blog post on Twitter today about storing WordPress FTP information in wp-config.php. The article was written in German so I sent the author an email to ask if he’d mind me translating it. Phil, the author, very...
22 Jul 2010

Hints and Tips to Make Your WordPress Development Easier

Recently I was contacted on Twitter by Josh Fialkoff how I develop WordPress themes, and I thought the answer would make for perfect blog fodder.I used to work entirely on my local computer, with apache, mysql, and php installed (XAMPP...
15 Jul 2010

Improve Your Blog, Revisit Old Content

Recently I have spent some time trying to improve the page views on my website.Rather than trying to increase the promotion and links I have focused on the site itself, looking at how I could improve the content itself to...
09 Jul 2010

Lowercase p, dangit! WordPress Controversy

There has recently been a new piece of code added to the WordPress core which makes sure that people spell WordPress correctly – automatically correcting misspellings (ie. making the P in the middle uppercase).On its own this seems harmless enough...
08 Jul 2010

Screenflow and My First Screencast

I recently recorded my first screencast for Pro Theme Design showcasing the new features for my WordPress theme Elemental.To make my life easier I purchased a copy of Screenflow for my Mac. Screenflow is designed specifically for recording and editing...
30 Jun 2010

The Wolfman

The Wolfman is a remake of a classic horror movie. Re-imagining the story and bringing the special effects bang up to date.On paper the cast sounds great. Anthony Hopkins rarely disappoints, Benicio Del Toro already looks wolf like, and Hugo...
20 Jun 2010

Facebook Hackathon 2010

Today I am at the London Facebook Hackathon 2010. A bunch of developers in London are going to build Open Graph apps, and then show them off to some Facebook Execs. The best will be presented to Mark Zuckerberg tomorrow.Unfortunately...
15 Jun 2010

WordPress Caching, part 3: Custom Caching Library

When building Elemental (WordPress Theme) I decided to develop my own, very simple, caching plugin to help speed up the theme.There were a few reasons why I did it but the main ones were: I was doing things with public...
08 Jun 2010

What do you want me to write about?

Part of improving my website involves me wanting to write about the sort of things you want to read about.If you could take 1 minute to answer 1 quick question then that would really help me to work out what...
03 Jun 2010

CSS Only Button – Redux

The other day, a post was published on Hongkiat showing how to make a button using CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) only. However, it was misleading as the CSS-only button also used JavaScript and an image or two. It was actually...
28 May 2010

WordPress caching, Part 2

As I mentioned in WordPress caching part 1, WordPress has built-in caching that can be hooked into by plugins such as W3 Total Cache and Batcache (developed by Andy Skelton who is employed by Automattic).In this article I am going...
13 May 2010

6 Tips to Build Better WordPress Themes

If you want to make WordPress themes, for clients, to release for free or to sell, then there are a lot of factors you need to take into consideration. Below are some hints and tips that should help ease your...
11 May 2010

file_get_contents: A PHP Alternative to cURL

A comment on my post about cURL mentioned that file_get_contents is a simpler method to use, and in many ways it absolutely is.file_get_contents is a PHP functions that gets the contents of a file. Unlike cURL it doesn’t require any...
03 May 2010

How to Add Widgets to your WordPress Themes

Adding widgets to a WordPress theme is a fantastic way to make things really easy to customise for the people who use the theme. Below is a really quick explanation of how to add them to your own themes.Creating widget...
22 Apr 2010

How to Build the Perfect WordPress Sitemap

I was recently asked how I built the sitemap on Binary Moon so I thought I would share the code. The sitemap layout is actually one of the many custom page templates available in my WordPress theme, Elemental – however...
