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12 Apr 2010


As post apocalyptic movies go, things don’t get much more apocalyptic than they do in the movie 9. In a post war-time, when the only things left are some golems made by an old man, and a bunch of distinctly...
08 Apr 2010

WordPress Caching, Part 1: The Basics

Caching (on the internet) is the act of storing computationally expensive calculations in a way that can be recovered very quickly with the smallest possible impact on the server.Or, in short, ‘speeding stuff up’.In this series of posts I will...
07 Apr 2010

March Movie Madness

I watched loads of films last month. Most aren’t worth mentioning – but below are some short reviews of the ones I enjoyed the most.Hellboy 2Call me weird but the original Hellboy is one of my favorite films. It’s up...
30 Mar 2010

10 WordPress query_posts tips you probably don’t know

I have written a really brief query_post tutorial before, and it did quite well, but both WordPress and my own skills, have advanced considerably since then. So I thought it would be interesting to revisit the query_posts command and see...
29 Mar 2010

Toy Story 1, 2 and 3

I’ll be honest – I’m posting this because I was sent free copies of the recently re-released Toy Story 1 and 2 movies (Blu-Ray and DVD of both films). I was very close to turning it down – I don’t...
18 Mar 2010

Realigning James Woodcock dot com

Recently I was talking to my friend, and fellow blogger James Woodcock, about his website and somehow I ended up suggesting I spend an hour or so tidying it up.James is a video game and tech journalist… and an endless...
10 Mar 2010

Using the Yahoo Weather API (in your WordPress themes)

When developing our Hyperlocal WordPress theme called The Local Darren came up with the idea of adding the local weather to the themes header. After a bit of research I decided that the Yahoo! Weather api was the best solution.Before...
07 Mar 2010

WordPress Http API – Read Content From Other Websites

Recently I have been doing a lot of work with API’s and these often involve loading text content (rss/ xml/ json etc) from another website and then displaying the results – for instance the Twitter feed at the bottom of...
25 Feb 2010

February Film Reviews

Kung Fu PandaI found Kung Fu Panda in the bargain bin at the local supermarket – and since I am a huge fan of both 3D animation, and martial arts, I had to give it a go.And, surprisingly, I wasn’t...
29 Jan 2010

Building WPVote Part 7: Almost Done

Building WPVote has been a really interesting process for me. I have learnt stacks of new things, and through developing WPVote have added a stack of improvements to my WordPress Elemental.From start to finish I have: Building WPVote Part 1:...
23 Jan 2010

New WordPress Theme, Accumulo, and New Free Plugin

In my plans for 2010 I said I wanted to release 3 premium themes, and earlier this week Darren Hoyt and I released the first of the bunch.Accumulo – WordPress themeAccumulo is an RSS aggregation theme designed to imitate sites...
21 Jan 2010

Building WPVote Part 6 : Planning for Lift Off

Now that the WPVote site is almost complete I need to prepare it for release.Since I have developed online all I really need to do is redirect the DNS from the current site to my own servers. However there are...
15 Jan 2010

Building WPVote Part 5 : Programming

I’m nearly finished with the design of my new WordPress voting site, WPVote, so now need to look more closely at the programming.I enjoy dissecting WordPress themes, and since I also like code simplicity and minimalism (and am working with...
12 Jan 2010

Building WPVote : Part 4b, The Logo Revisited

Last time I wrote about WPVote I got a lot of feedback on the design of the logo. I was actually quite happy with how it was looking but the comments got me thinking and I soon realised it wasn’t...
07 Jan 2010

Building WPVote Part 4 : Design

Once I had finished researching similar voting sites I was ready to start designing and building the WPVote theme.To decide basic page structure I went with Balsamiq mockups and knocked out some quick reference designs. I had a firm idea...
07 Jan 2010

Back and Forward: Plans for 2010

Of my ‘goals’ in 2009 I only officially finished half. This year I plan to do better.I mentioned that I wanted to release 4 themes, of which I actually released 2 Mimbo Pro 2 and theme framework. Of the others,...
