Having spent the last couple of months (on and off) messing around with the new Binary Moon design I am now at the stage where I want to say it’s finished and move on to something else.There’s a well known...
When we were building Mimbo Pro – Darren came up with the idea of automating the image thumbnail resizing – and this was the idea that sparked the development of TimThumb.This was all part of making the theme site as...
Last weekend I went to London to see ‘West End Live‘ in Leicester Square and, somehow, ended up going to see Avenue Q. The trip to the theatre was totally unplanned, and when thinking about why I went to see...
Over the last couple of months I have been using an iPod Touch. It all started because a game developer contacted me asking if I would be interested in reviewing his iPod Touch/ iPhone games on Binary Joy.At the time...
Earlier this year I said I was ‘back in the swing‘, posted a few times, and then vanished.The reason isn’t that I have nothing to say (although I have less than I used too) but that I am in the...
I think Joss Whedon is fantastic. Buffy, Firefly, and even Dr Horribles Sing Along Blog are all a lot of fun. Firefly in particular showed loads of potential so I was disappointed that it never even got to the end...
I have a fair few people following me on Twitter. It’s not as many as some Twitter users but it’s enough to make me feel a little bit special – after all I don’t know all my followers.Because there are...
A couple of weeks ago there was quite a lot of talk within the WordPress themes community about the future of WordPress. Ian Stewart started it, and then it spread around the blogosphere… so I thought I’d offer my rather...
As with all things, blogging is evolving. I mentioned a year or two about how the popular blogs are becoming more like websites – and the current trend of magazine themes is making this ever more real… and I think...
A year ago – almost to the day – Darren and I released Mimbo Pro, a premium WordPress theme. Since then both WordPress, and our technical skills, have grown considerably and so we’re now ready to present to you, Mimbo...
In my mind software wireframing is an art form.It’s the art of expressing design and interface intentions to a user or client without actually creating anything.Often when creating website or application mockups people will become obsessed with the inconsequential minutae....
Disneys latest animated adventure, Bolt, was recently released in the UK. It’s been a busy 6 months for me so I thought I’d take some time off and check it out. To be honest I wish I had more time...
After my recent post on celebs and Twitter a few of my real life friends signed up – and a couple of others asked what on earth I was talking about and why they should care so I thought I’d...
There have been celebrities on Twitter (follow me here) for quite some time but over the last couple of weeks there has been a huge surge of them joining in the UK. I’ve seen Twitter mentioned on a number of...
Nearly a whole month and no posts… What is the world coming too?I don’t know why but ever since Christmas I have been feeling motivated to do all sorts of things – unfortunately blogging isn’t one of them.Last year was...
Getting a faster internet is great – it gives us loads of opportunity to improve the browsing experience through more advanced javascript and designs – I still remember the dreadful websites of the late 90’s that took an hour to...
It’s been a while since I’ve mentioned anything remotely Harry Potter related and had almost forgotten about the new book until I noticed it had been released last week – The Tales of Beedle the Bard.The Tales of Beedle the...
I have recently been looking into Lego for a project I am working on, and have come to realise that I still really really like it. Despite being 28 Lego still has the same sense of fun it had when...
Star Wars: The Clone Wars is a 3d animated cartoon, featuring all your favorite characters from the prequel trilogy, and some of your faves from the original trilogy.I got to see Star Wars: The Clone Wars last weekend and quite...
Yesterday Google released Chrome, a brand new web browser onto an unsuspecting internet. You’ve probably been inundated with all sorts of opinions and views on it, but I’m going to give me tuppence as well.Plus It’s fast. Very fast Webkit...
Last weekend I spent a few days away from WordPress and work in general to spend some quality time with the girlfriend. When I got back and updated my local copy of WordPress (via svn) I was surprised to see...