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26 Jul 2005

Harry Potter Theories

The Harry Potter post I made when I finished reading the Half Blood Prince has been way more successful than I had imagined it would be. In fact, I didn’t even consider it would be different from any other normal...
18 Jul 2005

A Book Baton

I have been passed a book baton by Phu Ly from IfElse, who is one of the few people who comment here (thanks Phu 🙂 ). I suspect he saw me complaining that no-one passed me the musical baton that...
17 Jul 2005

Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

So… anyone else read it yet?I bought my copy late Saturday morning, there were loads of copies available, and a rather miserable looking witch handing them out. I bought my copy in Bexleyheath, which is fairly close to where I...
