Random Thoughts

Categories:Web DesignWordPressBusinessJekyllRandomMovies

14 Feb 2025

The UK’s AI Copyright Plan is a Disaster for Creators

The UK government is considering changes to copyright law that would allow AI companies to train their models on artists’ work without permission. This means that AI-generated images could be built using artwork taken from real artists without credit, payment,...
22 Feb 2024

Modern Computer Software - as Used by Me

Someone recently pointed out my post on new computer software (from 2007 😳) and going through it I realized how much things have changed in computer software. Previously, I was on Windows, and I’ve now switched to Mac, but that’s...
19 Dec 2023

My Creative Process

In writing about creativity and AI recently, I started reflecting on my own creative process. While I love making things, I’ve always questioned whether or not I’m truly creative. However, I’ve come to realize that my creativity stems from gathering...
12 Aug 2023

Learning to Enjoy Building for the Web (Again)

A few years ago, I fell out of love with building for the web. I still did it but it felt like a constant struggle to keep up with the ever-evolving technologies and complex frameworks. I always felt behind, and...
10 Jul 2023

Firefox Extensions I Can't Live Without v2

Back in 2007, I wrote a blog post about my favorite Firefox extensions that I used all the time. However, over the years, my browsing habits changed, and I eventually switched to Chrome. But now, I’m back to using Firefox...
27 Jun 2023

The Quest for a 'Simple' Smartwatch

My trusty old smartwatch recently stopped working. It was a Garmin Vivomove HR, a minimal hybrid watch with regular watch hands and a tiny hidden screen that showed notifications and messages. It served me well for quite some time but...
03 Jun 2022

Jubilee Crown Papercraft – and how I made it

To celebrate Queen Elizabeths Platinum Jubilee I designed a little papercraft version of her crown.In fact, I’ve recently gotten into making papercraft toys, both building, and designing them. Most of the designs I have built are from FoldUpToys – a...
04 Jun 2020

Learning is hard, and so is React

This tweet from Kelly Vaughn caught my eye recently. It came a couple of days after another tweet from Brad Touesnard who said “I have run out of empathy for people whining about having to learn React”.I really sympathise with...
05 Feb 2019

How I Learn in Public

I build a lot of stuff, and I release most of it publicly. I have 20 WordPress themes on Pro Theme Design, but I’ve been making themes for over 10 years now so I’m quite confident there. Last year I...
05 Jan 2019

2018 In Review, and Plans for 2019

2018 was a mixed bag for me. Initially I didn’t feel like I did much in the last year; but now it’s written down in front of me – perhaps I did more than I realised.2018 in ReviewPro Theme DesignSelling...
04 Jan 2017

2016 – a Year Reviewed

What a year – when 2016 started I didn’t expect it to play out as it did. It was an eventful year in more ways than one.Personally the biggest change was becoming a father. My son, Sebastian, was born on...
10 Aug 2016

It’s All About Me

Marketing & self promotion is definitely my weak point. It’s something I feel I should be better at (or hire someone to do) but I just never feel the motivation. I enjoy building things, so that’s what I tend to...
26 Jul 2016

My Rules to Live By

There’s a few rules that I live by, that have helped to get me where I am. You’ve probably heard of all of them, but I thought I’d write them down and explain how they have benefitted me! 🙂You don’t...
28 Jun 2016

Growing Up

A lot has happened in my life in the last year – so much that I’ve probably missed some things. In an effort to remember what’s happened I thought I’d break the blogging silence with a post summarising how and...
11 Oct 2014

Adobe Dreams (and What I Replaced Adobe Software With)

I’ve managed to move entirely away from using Adobe software but this recent video from Adobe looks incredibly enticing. It’s basically a great big bunch of ideas for things that could be possible in the future. They’ve focused on Microsoft...
29 Mar 2014

The Psychology of Done – or – How to Not do Things

I work on a lot of projects – as do many creatives. I have the day job at Miniclip – and then in my spare time I am renovating my house, and making WordPress themes, playing video games, and even...
17 Jul 2013

Queen Elizabeth II and Me

Last weekend I went to the Coronation Festival at Buckingham Palace in London. Not only did I get to walk around the royal gardens, but I also got to see, meet, and try many of the products that have the...
08 Jul 2013

A Redesign for 2013

It’s only been a year since I last redesigned Binary Moon – I’m generally content to redesign, and then sit on things for a while, let it stew and evolve. However a lot has changed in the last year. Design...
25 Jan 2013

Please Just Tell Me What You Want!

The web industry moves really fast and there is always a lot to do – time is precious. Many of us get dozens – sometimes even hundreds – of emails a day.As such it can be quite frustrating to get...
23 Nov 2012

Experiments With 3D Printing

When I was 13 I saw Toy Story at the cinema – and I instantly knew that 3d art was what I wanted to do. I had always been a doodler – I liked drawing cartoons and inventing things. I...
