A few months after I met Jo, who is now my wife, she said that she thought I looked good with a beard. Since this meant I didn’t have to shave, and since it got the thumbs up from my...
I found the reactions after the iPhone 5 announcement last week really interesting. Everyone knew the iPhone 5 was coming, and all the rumour blogs had announced almost everything presented. Before it started we knew many of the announcements. So...
I moved house last year and we’ve slowly been going through the boxes of junk weeding out the rubbish when, a couple of days ago, I found my old video game art portfolio.I must have made this in 2002/ 2003...
South-downs Way I always like to challenge myself. I generally go for mental challenges, trying new technologies and coming up with new ideas. I feel that it’s the best way to learn and expand my mind – however I tend...
If you’re reading this in a web browser (and you’ve visited the site before) then you’ll know that I have recently updated the design here on Binary Moon.I’ve been sitting on this design for about 7 or 8 months. I...
Ok – I know we’re almost a month into 2011, but I wanted to make a record of my plans for the coming year.Last year I did quite well with my plans. The best news was that, at the end...
I recently recorded my first screencast for Pro Theme Design showcasing the new features for my WordPress theme Elemental.To make my life easier I purchased a copy of Screenflow for my Mac. Screenflow is designed specifically for recording and editing...
Part of improving my website involves me wanting to write about the sort of things you want to read about.If you could take 1 minute to answer 1 quick question then that would really help me to work out what...
I’ve never been interested in business. I’ve been interested in creating thingsParaphrased from Richard Bransons book “Business Stripped Bare”.The act of creating something, whether it’s a website, a video game, or a lego model, is one of the most satisfying...
Of my ‘goals’ in 2009 I only officially finished half. This year I plan to do better.I mentioned that I wanted to release 4 themes, of which I actually released 2 Mimbo Pro 2 and theme framework. Of the others,...
I have a fair few people following me on Twitter. It’s not as many as some Twitter users but it’s enough to make me feel a little bit special – after all I don’t know all my followers.Because there are...
As with all things, blogging is evolving. I mentioned a year or two about how the popular blogs are becoming more like websites – and the current trend of magazine themes is making this ever more real… and I think...
After my recent post on celebs and Twitter a few of my real life friends signed up – and a couple of others asked what on earth I was talking about and why they should care so I thought I’d...
There have been celebrities on Twitter (follow me here) for quite some time but over the last couple of weeks there has been a huge surge of them joining in the UK. I’ve seen Twitter mentioned on a number of...
Nearly a whole month and no posts… What is the world coming too?I don’t know why but ever since Christmas I have been feeling motivated to do all sorts of things – unfortunately blogging isn’t one of them.Last year was...
I have recently been looking into Lego for a project I am working on, and have come to realise that I still really really like it. Despite being 28 Lego still has the same sense of fun it had when...
Unfortunately I have been dragged down into the world of Twitter. Twitter is a web app that enables people to talk rubbish at no-one in particular and then receive a response from someone they don’t know. I’ve never seen the...
I bought an EEE PC the other day, and so far am very impressed.These little machines are very small, and very handy and, most impressively, very cheap. They’ve been around for about 5/6 months now but, in the UK at...
Shortly before we went to see Damien Rice my girlfriend bought tickets for us to go and see Athlete at the Norwich UEA LCR (University of East Anglia LCR… don’t know what the last bit means). Last night it was...
Radiohead have released pre-orders for their new album… kind of. The album is a pre-release (before release in the shops), and can only be purchased online, from their website. The most interesting part? You pay as much as you want...