Web Design - page 10

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28 Aug 2009

Binary Moon WordPress design vIII

As I briefly mentioned on Monday, I have finally redesigned Binary Moon.I actually started redesigning about 2 years ago. Initially it was going to be an update rather than a totally new look, and I even built most of it,...
13 Jul 2009

Fussing over the (web design) details

Having spent the last couple of months (on and off) messing around with the new Binary Moon design I am now at the stage where I want to say it’s finished and move on to something else.There’s a well known...
06 Jul 2009

A Brief History of TimThumb

When we were building Mimbo Pro – Darren came up with the idea of automating the image thumbnail resizing – and this was the idea that sparked the development of TimThumb.This was all part of making the theme site as...
25 Jun 2009

5 web business lessons to be learnt from Avenue Q

Last weekend I went to London to see ‘West End Live‘ in Leicester Square and, somehow, ended up going to see Avenue Q. The trip to the theatre was totally unplanned, and when thinking about why I went to see...
29 Mar 2009

The future of WordPress themes

A couple of weeks ago there was quite a lot of talk within the WordPress themes community about the future of WordPress. Ian Stewart started it, and then it spread around the blogosphere… so I thought I’d offer my rather...
14 Mar 2009

Mimbo Pro 2.0

A year ago – almost to the day – Darren and I released Mimbo Pro, a premium WordPress theme. Since then both WordPress, and our technical skills, have grown considerably and so we’re now ready to present to you, Mimbo...
06 Mar 2009

Balsamiq Mockups Review

In my mind software wireframing is an art form.It’s the art of expressing design and interface intentions to a user or client without actually creating anything.Often when creating website or application mockups people will become obsessed with the inconsequential minutae....
13 Dec 2008

A quick way to speed up your website

Getting a faster internet is great – it gives us loads of opportunity to improve the browsing experience through more advanced javascript and designs – I still remember the dreadful websites of the late 90’s that took an hour to...
03 Sep 2008

Chrome – first thoughts

Yesterday Google released Chrome, a brand new web browser onto an unsuspecting internet. You’ve probably been inundated with all sorts of opinions and views on it, but I’m going to give me tuppence as well.Plus It’s fast. Very fast Webkit...
28 Aug 2008

WordPress 2.7 and Crazyhorse

Last weekend I spent a few days away from WordPress and work in general to spend some quality time with the girlfriend. When I got back and updated my local copy of WordPress (via svn) I was surprised to see...
11 Jul 2008

New plugin : BM Admin Tweak

A couple of weeks ago I mentioned how I have customised my wordpress administration interface to make it more streamlined and usable. This is an interface I made for myself so it works the way I want it too –...
19 Jun 2008

Redesigning the WordPress admin Redesign

Ever since the first betas of WordPress 2.5 I have been making my own version of the admin panel. I like a lot of what they have done but there were some very basic things missing in the design, and...
04 Jun 2008

Google hosted javascript libraries

Google recently announced that they are hosting popular open source javascript libraries for everyone to use in their projects. This is a great opportunity to have fast access to javascript libraries without worrying about bandwidth charges.Despite some negative feedback about...
29 May 2008

How I built BenGillbanks.co.uk in a little over 2 hours

Quite some time ago I purchased BenGillbanks.co.uk thinking it would be a good idea to own my own name as a domain. But then I didn’t do anything with it.The other day I decided it was time to sort it...
29 Apr 2008

New Icon Set : Circular

Last week I released a new icon set over on Pro Theme Design. When I first started on the set I had two objectives. 1 – to spend some time learning how to make icons properly, and 2 – to...
12 Mar 2008

Pro Theme Design and Mimbo Pro

The last couple of months I have been spending my free time working on a new website and premium theme.The website is called Pro Theme Design, and the theme is Mimbo Pro.Pro Theme DesignPro Theme Design is a WordPress theme...
28 Jan 2008

BM-Comment-Highlight Guide

In my excitement to get the BM-Comment-Highlight plugin out yesterday I forgot to tell you how to actually use the thing. Also since posting it yesterday I have though of another feature for the plugin so I have updated it...
