Web Design - page 12

Categories:Web DesignWordPressBusinessJekyllRandomMovies

23 Apr 2006

Regulus – WordPress Theme version 2.1.2

A small update with a few new features. The reason for this post, rather than updating the last post, is that I now consider Regulus complete. Barring any show stopping bugs there will be no new updates to Regulus, it’s...
04 Feb 2006


The more observant amongst you will have noticed that I have recently added Adsense ads to Binary Moon. What you most likely won’t have noticed, unless you checked out Bubble Blitz online, is that I’ve also added them to Binary...
26 Oct 2005

Akismet – comment spam hell

As I mentioned a couple of days ago I managed to find out what was going on with the WordPress.com api keys.The big announcement is that Akismet has been released. Akismet is a comment spam blocker for blogs.Developed by the...
15 Aug 2005

The Free Sound Project

Over at the Free Sound Project they are collecting royalty free sound samples using the Creative Commons license. You can use them commercially (in video games for example…) as long as you give credit to the original authors. You’re not...
01 Aug 2005

16 Things that Really Annoy Most Web Users

A survey has been done that finds out what web trends annoy people.The least popular thing, pop up windows, doesn’t surprise me at all. I use FireFox so rarely get pop up ads, but if I visit a website that...
24 Jul 2005

New Game Release Soon!

I received the music for Bubble Blitz (ooh look – it has a name!) last weekend and adding it into the game has made everything seem much more complete. There are a couple of small bits of art to finish...
30 Apr 2005

The Design One

I mentioned in my first post that I was going to do a run down of how I redesigned this site. It’s taken a while to put together but here it is.Binary Moon – a brief historyI started Binary Moon...
06 Apr 2005

Passwords – KeePass and BugMeNot

If you’re like me you have loads of passwords for anything and everything on the Internet. I have recently taken to making my passwords totally random combinations of letters and numbers. This makes remembering them next to impossible, which means...
