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26 Sep 2018

WordPress get_post_gallery() Gutenberg Polyfill

I’m working on a new WordPress theme designed for Gutenberg, however Gutenberg isn’t finished, and there are elements that won’t work until the plugin is merged with core.One such issue, that I ran into this weekend, is that get_post_gallery() doesn’t...
14 Sep 2018

What’s the Deal with Google AMP?

I recently read an article title Google AMP Can Go To Hell, all about how Google AMP is an attempt by Google to control the internet entirely.When I first saw this article I thought it was going to be a...
07 Sep 2018

Finding the Essence of a Product

I was recently reading the article Via Negativa by Adrian Zumbrunnen and found it a really nice reflection on the reasons for creating a simple product.Minimalism in web design is an evergreen trend but how many of us have actually...
31 Aug 2018

Chrome for Android may start disabling JavaScript on 2G connections

This week a pull request was made on the Chromium project that, in certain situations, blocks Javascript from loading on 2G connections.Currently the Gutenberg editor doesn’t work without Javascript; it doesn’t even have a noscript tag.Chrome for Android may start...
03 Aug 2018

What Non-Disabled People Get Wrong About Accessibility

I have thought quite a lot about accessibility in recent years. I am definitely not an expert, and I am sure there’s a lot of areas I could improve, but I always strive to make my projects as accessible as...
30 Jul 2018

Learning ReactJS for Designers

JavaScript is simple, or at least it used to be. If you’ve done any programming, and you know how to use Google then you can program in JavaScript. Of course, to make it more powerful we have to complicate things.We...
20 Jul 2018

GutenReady for the Gutenpocalypse – Educating Gutenberg

It was WPCampus last weekend, an education focused WordPress conference. There’s a lot of talks about using WordPress in Universities and other educational establishments – but there’s also a lot of more traditional WordCamp subjects.One presentation in particular caught my...
13 Jul 2018

HTTPS is Easy

Now you have no reason not to make your website(s) secure!Troy Hunt is Microsoft Regional Director and MVP for Developer Security. Online security, technology and “The Cloud”. And he made have I been pwned, an online database/API allowing you to...
13 Mar 2018

WordPress: The Difference Between is_home and is_front_page

When making WordPress themes there’s 2 functions that are really handy. is_home and is_front_page. I use them all the time in both themes and plugins. But I can never remember the difference between them.is_home vs is_front_pageOn the surface they are...
01 Mar 2018

Website Colour Analyzer

In January I published Colour, a simple app that analyses the colours used in a website and suggests ways you can merge the colour to make the design simpler.I don’t know if it’s an age thing, or a generational thing,...
09 Feb 2018

Getting Started With Github Desktop

When I wrote about using Github for Copywriters I wanted to keep things simple so that my copywriter friend could edit website content easily without having to worry about using Github properly. The problem is he now wants to create...
30 Jul 2017

Rescuing the MillionDollarHomepage

A couple of days ago I read an article about the MillionDollarHomepage and how the content on it has largely vanished. This raised the question of permanence on the web. The article also mentioned how it would be an interesting...
25 Jun 2017

Using Git Hooks to Clear Cloudflares Cache

I have a couple of sites powered by Jekyll on Github pages, and I use Cloudflare to help make them nice and speedy (and to get around the github pages traffic limits). However, this means that each time I update...
16 Jun 2017

Fixing Theme Issues with WordPress 4.8 Media Widgets

WordPress 4.8 has just been released and, whilst not a ground breaking update, it includes some nice features that make WordPress more pleasant to use.One of the main areas focused on is some new widgets. There haven’t been any new...
06 Apr 2017

Fixing Typographic Widows in WordPress

Typography on websites is hard – especially if that site is powered by a CMS such as WordPress. Making the text on a site look good when the screen size, or content, can be changed means that often you have...
23 Mar 2017

New Adventures in Jekyll

I use WordPress a lot, but a couple of weeks ago I decided to rebuild one of my older sites with Jekyll (a static site editor) so that I could host it on Github pages. As I have explained before...
10 Jan 2017

WordPress Jetpack Admin Backup: For When There are Problems

I’m a big fan of the Jetpack WordPress plugin. I support it in all of my WordPress themes, and have even contributed to its development. However it’s not perfect, and I have recently had some issues with the new React...
10 Dec 2016

Adding a bit of Fun to my WordPress Themes Build Process

I recently learnt that when you type 'Say' followed by some words into the terminal on MacOS your computer speaks to you. It’s like I’m in the future or something.I like the idea that my Mac is distantly related to...
26 Nov 2016

Generating a WordPress rtl.css with Gulp

Generating a rtl.css files is something I don’t enjoy doing. I think it’s really important that they are created since a large proportion of the world uses rtl (right to left) languages. But they are a bit of a pain...
