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14 May 2013

Redesigning the WordPress Post Editor

Ghost is a project born from frustration with WordPress. Ironically it seems to be mostly WordPress power users who want to use it. The Ghost team – led by John O’Nolan – put Ghost on KickStarter last week and it...
12 Apr 2013

My First Website

My first website was terrible. Not intentionally I hasten to add – but because I was told to make it bad…I started university in 1998, the internet was just starting to become more mainstream. It was still a few years...
20 Mar 2013

Mastering the Psychology of Colour Theory in Web Design

As an aspiring or established blog writer, you will probably be thinking of how you can attract more readers to your blog. Of course, there are many ways to build a loyal audience, but one aspect which is often overlooked...
27 Feb 2013

Designing Perfection – A Waste of Time?

I know it’s a little bit old but I read an article on Dustin Curtis blog recently about how perfection is a make or break element of a performance or product – and craftsmanship has been lost… and I don’t...
20 Feb 2013

The Amazing Art of Flipping Websites

Recently I have looked at expanding my internet empire. I have all sorts of ideas and never enough time – so I thought I would see if I could buy some websites relatively cheaply, improve them, and then either flip...
29 Jan 2013

A WordPress News Website Resurgence

I know that I am most productive in the winter months and tend to churn out a lot more of my personal projects than I do during the summer months. I suspect this is due to the fact that I...
18 Jan 2013

Mimbo Pro 4

I recently created a promotional video for Mimbo Pro 4 – showcasing the newest functionality from the theme.I’ve been really pleased with how Mimbo Pro has done on WordPress.com and a lot of the new functionality and developments have developed...
25 Dec 2012

Learning to Accept CSS3: Creating CSS3 Windows

People are resistant to change. It’s strange since I consider myself quite forward thinking, but I still find it takes me a while to accept new things. I’ve been using CSS3 effects for quite a while now – as have...
19 Dec 2012

5 Things to do to Prepare your Blog for the Holiday Season

The festive season is upon us and your loyal readership is distracted by Christmas and all the associated fun and stress. Usually your blog posts are a welcome relief from the everyday slog that is the working week, but now...
04 Dec 2012

Disable PHP Short tags

A quick tip for any WordPress devs out there (or any other devs for that matter). Don’t use PHP short tags!I’ve been bitten by this more than once in the past. Some servers allow PHP short tags (<?) and others...
29 Nov 2012

CSS Highlight Colour

When I design a website I really like to add small touches that most people won’t notice. In fact there’s a blog I follow that is dedicated to these small areas of delight. One of the things I like to...
19 Nov 2012

Jetpack: The Ultimate WordPress Plugin?

A Jetpack I’ve now got 2 themes on WordPress.com – Mimbo Pro and Opti – and as such I have spent quite a lot of time on the site. WordPress.com is powered by WordPress – but it also has a...
11 Nov 2012

Clearing CSS Floats Without Markup

This has done the rounds loads of times before – but clearing css floats is something I need to do all the time, and since I have to look up the code on every project I thought I would add...
27 Oct 2012

Browser Shots WordPress Plugin

I didn’t realise it had been so long but in February 2010 I wrote a little blog post about creating screenshots of websites automatically.I wrote this after finding that the team at WordPress had created their own system for doing...
17 Oct 2012

WordPress Social Network Aggregation

I really like the idea of a Tumblog – and even have one on Tumblr.com – but I don’t promote it anywhere. Conceptually it’s great – but I don’t like not having control over my content.What I would really like...
08 Sep 2012

Quick Tips: Taking Screenshots on a Mac

I take a lot of screenshots on my Mac – for all sorts of reasons. Often it’s screenshots of web pages that I am going to draw over or modify for mockups. Sometimes it’s screen shots of bugs that need...
